You Can Make A Difference!
Camp is right around the corner! If you're considering volunteering, please send in your applications before April 30th. Thanks!
Camper Registration Is Open!
Give Local York
Support Hope’s Haven through a donation during Give Local York!
CommunityAid Donations
Hope’s Haven has partnered with Community Aid for clothes donations!

How Can I Help?

Help a child come to camp at no cost to them!
Make a positive impact on young lives!
Support the ministry by uplifting camp in prayer!

You Make A Difference!

What was your favorite part of camp?
“Playing with Knex and having fun with Mentors/Guides.”
“Learning about God and being with friends.”
“Doing different types of crafts and swimming.”
“Campfire - Everyone relates on so many levels and gets to see why each person has their personality.”
“The people, the pool, and archery. I love the food!!!”
“Hanging out with all my 'family'.”
What is something new that you have learned about God and the Bible?
“That God doesn't give up on you.”
“That He is always with you.”
“That God is there for you in your hardest hours.”
“That He always is with you and never leaves no matter what happens.”
“He provides for us.”
“That He certainly does heal your past and He'll fight your battles.”
Would you want to come back next year? Why or why not?
“Yes, I feel like I am cared for and they help me while God is helping me.”
“I would like to come next year because I get to learn more.”
“Yes, because I like this Hope's Haven family.”
“Yes, I always have fun. It's one of the best parts of my year.”
“Yes, it's my favorite camp ever :)”
“YES!!!! I love connecting with people who have gone through the same things as me.”

2025 Camp Dates

Camp Dates Coming Soon!

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